About the Fire Watch Training Course
This course is designed to train personnel in identifying, controlling and preventing fires in the workplace by teaching correct operations and procedures to control and extinguish a fire.
Course Objectives
- Identify, Eliminate and Minimize Fire Hazards
- 3-yr. Certification
- Required training for Fire Watch personnel
- Fire Watch at any OSSA worksite
Course Content
- fire watch requirements
- recognition of fire hazards
- controls that must be in place to eliminate or minimize fire hazards
- the OSSA fire watch standard requirements
- legislation as it relates to fire watch
- identification, elimination and minimization of fire hazards
- overview of fire, classifications and behaviors
- fire extinguishers, types, agents and classifications
- fire watch duties and responsibilities
- preplanning and escape planning
- demonstration and proper use of a fire extinguisher
Course Location and Equipment
- Fire Watch Training can be conducted at a site of your choosing.
Additional Course Information
- It is recommended that employees take an online refresher awareness course, annually, as part of your emergency response program.
- $750 for first 6 participants and $99 each additional registrant up to 12.
- Additional expenses may be incurred.
Course Registration
Fire Watch Training Course
Price: Please contact for pricing
Certificates: Yes
Students: 12
Lesson: Combination of Practical & Theoretical
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